How to create HTML code to display your name and address?

How to create HTML code to display your name and address?

Hello friends, my name is Ramakrishna and I am the owner of this blog, today you guys have a very easy program of HTML How to create HTML code to display your name and address? 

I'm going to say It is very easy to write this program because here we will use HTML and CSS, which will create a structure with the help of HTML and give some style with the help of CSS.

So let's start - first, we will define the basic structure of HTML, after that, we will display our name and address inside the body tag.

See the Pen Write a HTML program to display your name and Address by Ramkrishna Sahu (@ramkrishna-sahu) on CodePen.

Here we have displayed the name and address in table and paragraph format, if you want, you can display your name, address, or any type of string in any form.

Read also - HTML Text Formatting In Hindi – HTML Basic Formatting Tag

We have displayed the name and address by using the same code as shown in the codepen above.

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you can also watch the video in this tutorial

How to create HTML code to display your name and address

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